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Formal Modules:
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In the latest version a great change in Hazard Log is made. Previously the hazard log constitutes only one module. Now it has been split into three different modules namely Hazard Module, Accident Module and Safety Functions Module. Another formal module with the name References is used to store references for a specific object in a module. Description for these is given below:

Hazard Module
A Hazard Log is a live document listing all potential operating hazards (DOORS® objects) which could lead to loss in the project, product or plant throughout its life cycle. For each hazard the log also lists associated parameters such as level of risk, control measures, owner, ID and classification (DOORS® attributes).

The Hazard Module contains the list of all the hazards. Previously all the three above mentioned modules were merged into one that was creating a little bit of ambiguity for the user. Now they are splinted and hazard module contains only the hazard and its frequency.

Hazard Module

Accident Module
Accident module stores the accident associated to a hazard. The relation between hazard and accident is one to mandatory many. It means that every hazard has at least one or more than one accident associated with it. Each accident will have its own probability and severity. And there will be one or more safety functions associated with it.

Accident Module

There is an additional feature through which the user can select the linked hazard, safety function or reference can chage its few attributes. The selection is done by double clicking on the linked object in the lower part of the form. For more details, click here.

Safety Functions Module
A hazard with high rate of becoming a severe accident must be controlled accordingly. Safety Functions against every accident that are to be taken in case an accident occurs are enlisted in Safety Function Module. An accident object in accident module with a particular control must be linked with the respective object in Safety Functions Module.

Safety Functions Module

References Module
References module is going to have the references to different hazards. References are optional. And relation for hazard to reference is one to optional many. This would help the user to keep the reference of hazards.

References Module

Users Module
Users module is going have the references to different hazards.

Users Module

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