ISCaDE™ (Integrated Safety Case Development
Environment) Pro is a tool built on top of DOORS® (Dynamic
Object Oriented Requirements System) Database to allow integrated, easy
development of safety cases. It is the only safety case development tool
build to provide the feature of multi-user, multi-access, object-oriented
and graphical presentation capabilities together in an integrated environment.
ISCaDE™ Pro can give your organization enormous benefits, both for
resources and safety.
ISCaDE™ Pro:
- can bring you more business through greater assurance of the safety
of your products, employees and customers
- results in clearer and less ambiguous expression and justification
of safety cases and is consistent with the requirements of the relevant
regulatory body, speeding up approval
- can be used as an integral part of evaluation and consolidation of
best practice in safety case development teams, adding to quality assurance
- can be used to train new graduates, releasing experienced engineers
for core tasks
- can provide consistency with the requirements of regulatory bodies,
speeding up approval process because of its audit trail capability
- can help all stake holders by allowing easy reviews of information,
processes and tools
- can help safety managers by providing clearer and less ambiguous expression
and justification of safety cases.
Currently a large number of organizations with distinct backgrounds and
work-areas are relying on ISCaDE™ Pro for their safety case development
and risk assessment. This is because ISCaDE™ Pro completely fulfils
their standards and requirements. With the passage of time ISCaDE™
Pro popularity amongst safety community is increasing rapidly. Very soon
it would be a standard for safety case development and risk assessment around
the globe.